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When you suddenly realize that your purpose is “all grown up" and you look at each other and without saying it out loud, because you’re afraid to, you simultaneously wonder “what’s next?”

So, Craig and Bonnie began their search for “post children” significance when pretty quickly it became clear that they had actually been fostering a passion for years, without even knowing it. 

Trips to Napa became more frequent, not only growing our love and knowledge for wine but also a collection.  We see God as the author of our path from raising 4 children in Indiana to making the move to Santa Barbara without a clue as to what we were doing here, to the opportunity to own a wine store. 

Now contemplating our significance, in a new city with no community; it wasn’t until we found Santa Ynez that we realized the best avenue of connection for us was to bring to Santa Barbara a taste of it’s own wine. 

We began exploring and meeting exceptional winemakers; listening to their stories, observing their passion for great wine, and like us, how they each ended up in Santa Barbara.  We are proud to represent and support the people of the Santa Barbara County wine region; which is flourishing into a world-class wine production region receiving the highest ratings.  

We now consider Santa Barbara our home and thus we value you as our neighbors.  We want to share our lives with you and hear each of your unique stories; what makes you feel good.  Please know that you are welcome here at Vino Divino; come on by and open your eyes, nose, mouth and ears to this intriguing beverage that unites us as friends. 
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